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North Advokater

Danish corporate law firm

North Law Firm have a team of specialized lawyers ready to assist you, your company or organisation with legal advice. We are based in Denmark and work with both domestic and international clients on a variety of legal issues facing businesses today.


Corporate lawyers in Copenhagen

North Law Firm is a boutique corporate and commercial law firm located at Strøget in the very heart of Copenhagen – the Danish capital. We provide highly qualified legal assistance to businesses, Danish-based as well as foreign-based ones, within practically all fields of enterprise. We take pride in seeking to understand our clients’ businesses, their plans and any challenges facing them, enabling us to tailor our advise and to proactively identify legal and commercial issues to be dealt with. We strive to build long-term relationships with our clients, but are equally happy to assist with ad hoc matters. In all cases, our aim is to enable the client to have legal issues resolved as swiftly and cost-efficiently as possible.

Areas of expertise

We specialize in M&A, corporate law, contracts, real estate, tax law, employment law, and IP (copyright and trade marks).

We wish to be your first choice as corporate lawyers, real estate lawyers, and tax lawyers.


Contact us here or continue reading below



We provide advice and assistance with all corporate law matters from establishment of the company, or subsidiaries or holding companies, to capital increases or decreases, mergers, demergers, liquidation, etc. We also assist in connection to changes to the governing bodies, e.g. hiring or dismissal of directors and managers. A key area of expertise is shareholders’ agreements, by which we use our extensive knowledge of business practices and relevant points of law to tailor terms suitable both for the joint operation of the company and the exit of shareholders.



We assist with the drafting, negotiation, and execution of all kinds of business contracts, be those with suppliers, customers, employees, landlords or tenants, or any other party. We strive to make sure that the terms of a contract reflect the commercial understanding and realize the desired objective.



We assist with contracts, as well as crucial advise on all aspects of employment, including hiring & onboarding, issues during employment such as incentive programmes (warrants, bonus schemes, etc), as well as termination of employment. Our advice and assistance relates to both salaried employees and managers



We have particular expertise within commercial property. We advise owners, as well as those looking to invest in real estate, in all phases and on all aspects of real estate transactions from sourcing to closing. We are committed to achieving the best possible deal for the client on both the focused targeting of individual property as well as portfolios.

Apart from transactions, we advise on issues of financing and securitization, as well as all matters of rental and letting.


We advise both businesses and individuals on taxation, domestic as well as cross-border, always striving for the optimum solution in each case. We assist both with tax planning, including the obtainment of binding confirmations from the tax authorities, as well as handling of disputes with the tax authorities.



We assist buyers, vendors, and target companies in all phases and on all issues relating to M&A transactions. We are committed to compliance on points of law as well as to achieving the optimum solution for our client.



At North Law Firm, we are adept at interacting with foreign clients and counsel and understand the implications of cultural differences and differing legal – and business – traditions. This enables us to provide useful advise and assistance to foreigners about matters relating to Denmark. Further, we have extensive experience in handling assignments involving several jurisdictions. We also routinely advise our domestic clients on issues relating to investment, trade, or co-operation abroad.



We strive to build long-term relationships with our clients and take pride in achieving a knowledge or each client’s business enabling us to provide specifically tailored, business-enhancing and often proactive advice to our clients.

However, a client needing our assistance for only one specific task at one point in time will find that we apply the same high degree of commitment to the fulfilment of such an assignment.


Erik Østergaard-Nielsen

Erik Østergaard-Nielsen

Partner & Advokat (L)

Selskabsret & Ansættelsesret

Telefon: +45 70 30 24 24
Mobil:+45 21 72 04 60
Mail: eon@northadvokater.dk



CEO, Partner & Advokat (H)

Fast Ejendom & Erhvervsret

Telefon: +45 70 30 24 24
Mobil: +45 25 71 70 62
Mail: man@northadvokater.dk

Tony Wendt

Tony Wendt

Partner & Advokat

Skat, Corporate & Commercial

Telefon: +45 70 30 24 24
Mobil: +45 209 204 60
Mail: tw@northadvokater.dk

Questions? Contact us here 

North rådgiver inden for alle områder af fast ejendom, herunder enkelte ejendomme, porteføljesalg eller som del af en virksomhedsoverdragelse.

Corporate & Commercial Law

North er eksperterne i Corporate & Commercial Law og rådgiver hele vejen rundt inden for Erhvervsretten.

Advokatbistand til skattespørgsmål. Vi yder skatterådgivning, herunder rådgivning vedrørende incitamentsordninger, lønbeskatning, aktieløn og internationale skatteforhold.



Med North Advokater får du en god og tryg juridisk partner med speciale i selskabsret, herunder rådgivning i holdingselskaber, ApS, A/S og ejeraftaler.


North rådgiver inden for ansættelsesret og bistår bl.a. med rådgivning inden for funktionærret, direktørkontrakter, ferielovgivningen samt konkurrence- og kundeklausuler.

Retssager og tvister

Vi rådgiver i forbindelse med retssager, tvister og voldgiftssager. Vores advokater og jurister hjælper dig med at vurdere fordele og ulemper ved en retssag, eller tvistebehandling af din sag.

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